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The Causes Of Anger

Quite often when we are angry, we don't really stop to ask ourselves the one question that would help us to solve our problem.

We don't ask ourselves, "What do I need to learn to stop being so angry?"

This could be because we are simply too angry to think straight, so it doesn't occur to us to get to the bottom of the problem. But it could also be because it naturally forces us to consider our problem, so that we may start to hunt for a solution to it.

Here are some common causes of anger in our lives.
Events that we cannot control

The ending of a relationship, the death of someone we love… this type of event can make anyone feel angry. We feel angry at the world and think "why did this have to happen to me?"

This type of anger is understandable since there are always going to be aspects of our lives that we cannot fully control. However that doesn't mean you shouldn't seek help and advice to manage your anger.
Low self esteem

If life has gone against you recently, you may be feeling angry because of it. Even though some events may have been directly due to your own actions, it's not always easy to see the pattern.

For example, if you have lost your job you won't need to ask yourself "Why am I so angry?" But it could be that you consistently put in the lowest performance of everyone in your company, which is why you were chosen to go. Low self esteem can often lead to people feeling angry at the world and at their undesirable surroundings.
Misinterpreting signals from others

Low self esteem can also lead to feeling suspicious of what others think of us. For example, someone may make an innocent comment that makes you feel angry, because you interpret that it was meant for you.

This might be very far from being the truth but it can still result in feelings of anger, both at you and at them. So don't think, "Why am I so angry?" Instead, think about what you can do to resolve that anger.
Stressful events

There are innumerable events that can happen in our lives that can make us feel stressed. And the more stressed we are, the more likely we are to put ourselves on what we call 'a short fuse'.

When this happens we can find ourselves blowing up at other people when we normally wouldn't do so. In this case it is essential to find the root cause of our stress so that we don't get angry and vent our frustrations quite so easily.

There may be several reasons that will answer the question "Why am I so angry?" But until we sit down and think about the answers we cannot hope to make progress on the path to releasing that anger.

So be sure to take time out and examine your feelings, because only they will be able to tell you the answers you need.


Posted by ShALiH_SeIsO , at 10:44 AM, in
The Effect of Anger

Medical and psychological research has shown that no matter how much you exercise or eat correctly, you are putting yourself at risk if you do not manage your anger. Anger causes a widespread negative effect on the body.

It is important to understand what happens to the body when one becomes angry. In a moment of anger, you may experience muscle tension, grinding of teeth and teeth clenching, ringing in the ears, flushing, higher blood pressure, chest pains, excessive sweating, chills, severe headaches or migraines.

With chronic anger people can also experience peptic ulcers, constipation, diarrhea, intestinal cramping, hiccups, chronic indigestion, heart attacks, strokes, kidney problems, obesity, and frequent colds. Medical experts have found the heart muscle is affected by anger, and anger can actually reduce the heart's ability to properly pump blood.

The results of prolonged anger can harm the body's largest organ, the skin. People who hold in their anger often have skin diseases such as rashes, hives, warts, eczema and acne. Researchers have studied the relationship of anger and skin disorders and discovered that when a person resolves his anger, skin disorders dramatically improve.

One of the major effects anger has on the body is the release of chemicals and hormones, primarily the adrenaline and non-adrenaline. The adrenaline hormones act on all organs that reach the sympathetic nervous system, stimulating the heart, dilating the coronary vessels, constricting blood vessels in the intestines, and shutting off digestion.

Suppressed anger can also have psychological effects, causing depression, eating disorders, addictions to drug and alcohol, nightmares, insomnia, self-destructive behaviors, and can cause disruptions in the way a person relates to others.

Learn to control anger by using the following techniques:

* Meditation
You hear it all the time -- take a deep breath and count to 10. Meditation can allow you to breathe, relax, reflect on the situation and take a critical look at why you're angry.

* Practice forgiveness
Anger often results in resentments, resentments which can be resolved through forgiveness. You do not necessarily have to forgive the person with whom you are angry in a face-to-face meeting; you can forgive in any way that works for you.

* Anger management
Find a clinic that specializes in anger management and proper ways to release deep anger.

* Therapy
Sometimes our anger is so repressed that counseling is the only way to understand it and learn to release and deal with anger issues.

* Talking
Just talking it through with a friend can often help. Vent your frustrations.

* Creativity
Be creative in releasing your anger. Scream into or pound a pillow, dance, take aerobics, do stretching exercises, tear up old newspapers, throw rocks in a safe place, squeeze a ball of clay, kick a ball or pillow, use a punching bag, or take up a sports activity such as basketball, racquetball, soccer or baseball.

No matter what you choose, it is important to learn safe, effective ways to release your anger. The result of prolonged anger can change how your body functions. Anger is a valid emotion and should not be suppressed, but remember to release it in an appropriate and healthy way.

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